- Board of Directors
- Commercial Registry Information
- Corporate Identity
- Articles of Association
- Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Statement
- Information Policy
- Financial Reports
- Remuneration Policy for Board Members and Senior Executives
- Dividend Distribution Policy
- Board of Directors Activity Reports
- General Assemblies
- Committees Established Within the Board of Directors
- Material Event Disclosures
- Investor Relations Department
- Information Society Services
- Announcements
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Donation and Aid Policy
- Capital Increase
Information Policy
The purpose of the Emek Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş. Disclosure Policy is to ensure full, clear, and equitable public awareness about the Company by establishing transparent and close communication with shareholders. This includes sharing the Company’s goals, vision, and mission, as well as information deemed significant for decision-making processes of existing and potential investors, except for trade secrets. The information is shared within the framework of generally accepted accounting principles and Capital Markets Legislation, announcing the results of operational periods in a complete, fair, accurate, timely, understandable, objective, and detailed manner to shareholders, investors, and authorized capital market institutions and individuals.
Emek Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş. complies with Capital Markets Legislation and the regulations of the Capital Markets Board (CMB) and Borsa Istanbul (BIST) in public disclosure and takes utmost care to implement the principles outlined in the CMB’s Corporate Governance Principles.
The Disclosure Policy applies to all employees and consultants of Emek Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş. and regulates written and verbal communication with capital market participants.
2-Authority and Responsibility
The Disclosure Policy has been approved by the Board of Directors within the framework of the CMB Corporate Governance Principles.
The Board of Directors is responsible for monitoring, auditing, and updating the disclosure policy.
The disclosure policy is presented to shareholders at the General Assembly and published on the Company’s website in its updated form.
3-Methods and Tools
Subject to the provisions and regulations of the CMB, BIST, and Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), Emek Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş. may use the following methods and tools for public disclosure:
- Special condition disclosures submitted to BIST (simultaneously announced electronically through the Public Disclosure Platform - PDP),
- Periodic financial statements, footnotes, independent audit reports, declarations, and activity reports submitted to BIST (also disclosed electronically through PDP),
- Announcements and notices via the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette and daily local and/or national newspapers (e.g., prospectuses, circulars, General Assembly invitations, etc.),
- Press releases via written and visual media,
- Disclosures to data distribution institutions,
- Informative meetings and discussions with capital market participants conducted in writing, face-to-face, by telephone, or via teleconference,
- Corporate website (www.emek.com.tr),
- Other personal or mass communication methods and tools.
4-Public Disclosure of Special Conditions and Authorized Persons
Persons Authorized to Make Special Condition Disclosures:
Special condition disclosures are prepared by the Investor Relations Department. This unit is also responsible for overseeing and monitoring all issues related to public disclosure. Special condition disclosures are made by persons authorized to represent and bind the Company.
Disclosure of Inside Information:
The disclosure of inside information is carried out in accordance with the regulations on the public disclosure of special conditions stipulated by the CMB. Such disclosures are submitted to the PDP system electronically and published on the Company’s website (www.emek.com.tr) within the same business day or no later than the following business day, remaining accessible for at least five years.
Information to be disclosed to the public is not shared with specific investors or related parties before its announcement.
5-Publication of Financial Statements
The annual and interim financial statements and their footnotes are prepared in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standards issued by the CMB. Before public disclosure, these financial statements are reviewed for compliance with the accounting principles issued by the CMB, accuracy, and reliability by the Accounting and Finance Department, responsible managers, and independent auditors. They are then presented to the Board of Directors for approval.
Financial statements audited by independent auditors are disclosed along with the auditor’s report and submitted to the CMB and BIST as per regulations.
6-Meetings and Communications with Investors and Analysts
Emek Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş. prioritizes regular communication with its current and potential shareholders, effectively addressing investor questions, and working to increase the Company’s value. The Investor Relations Department and the Board of Directors are responsible for this process.
7-Disclosure of Forward-Looking Statements
From time to time, Company executives may make forward-looking statements as part of the disclosure policies. Such statements are based on certain assumptions and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may result in significant deviations from expected outcomes.
8-Use of Company Website (www.emek.com.tr)
The website www.emek.com.tr is actively used as part of public disclosure efforts, as recommended by the CMB Corporate Governance Principles. All disclosures made to the public are accessible on the website, which is structured and sectioned appropriately. Efforts to improve the website are continuously ongoing.