Dividend Distribution Policy

Profit Distribution Policy of Emek Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş.

The Profit Distribution Policy of Emek Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş. is an optimization function based on the variables of Investment Share, Working Capital, Employees' Share, and Risk Share, within the framework of the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, Capital Markets Legislation, other relevant regulations, and the articles concerning profit distribution in the Company's Articles of Association.

Considering market strategy, investment needs, the improvement of employee and operational efficiency, and national/global economic conditions, the Board of Directors submits a proposal to the General Assembly, ensuring a balance between shareholder expectations and the Company's needs. It has been adopted as a principle to determine the amount of profit to be distributed in line with the decision made at the General Assembly.

According to Article 30 of the Company's Articles of Association, it is possible to distribute interim dividends to shareholders by a decision of the Board of Directors, provided that authority is granted by the General Assembly.

Profit shares are distributed equally to all existing shares, regardless of their issuance and acquisition dates, as soon as possible, but within the specified legal periods, on the date determined by the General Assembly following its approval.

The General Assembly may transfer part or all of the net profit to extraordinary reserves. If the Board of Directors of Emek Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş. proposes to the General Assembly not to distribute the profit, shareholders are informed at the General Assembly Meeting about the reasons for this decision and the intended use of the undistributed profit. Likewise, this information is shared with the public through the annual report and the company's website.

The profit distribution policy is submitted for the approval of shareholders at the General Assembly Meeting. This policy is reviewed annually by the Board of Directors in light of any adverse national and global economic conditions, the status of ongoing projects, and available funds. Any changes made to this policy are also submitted for the approval of shareholders at the first General Assembly Meeting following the changes and disclosed to the public on the company's website.