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HV Test LaboratoryContact

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E.Mirzahan Hızal

B.S., Middle East Technical University, 1969

M.S., University of Manchester (UMIST), 1971

Ph.D. , University of Manchester (UMIST), 1973


High Voltage Engineering, Dielectric Materials, Electric Discharge Machining . CNC Systems and machines.High Voltage high power Pulse Power Sources and Systems , Electromagnetic High Power Wave generators , Electromagnetic Rail-Gun Accelerator Systems .


  1. A. Arısoy, and M. Hızal, "50 Kv'luk Bir Deney Transformatörü Tasarımı ve Yapımı", EMO Kocaeli Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi, , 2001.
  2. A. Rumeli, M. E. Özbek, and M. Hızal, "Flashover of Polluted High Voltage Insulators", ICEL'98 Int. Conference on Electrotechnics, pp.389-394, 1998.
  3. M. Hızal, A. Rumeli and M. E. Özbek, "Prebreakdown Phenomena and Time Lags to Breakdown in Dielectric Liquid Hexane under Pressure", ICEL'98 Int. Conference on Electrotechnics", pp. 460-466, 1998.
  4. M. Hızal, "Electric Discharge Machining of Metals" Makina & Metal Teknolojisi, Vol. 13, pp. 33-35, January 1993.
  5. "Model Concept for the Analytical Calculation of Flashover Performances of High Voltage Insulators," (co-authors: A.Rumeli and C.Koraşlı), Fifth National Conf. on Electrical Engineering., Trabzon-Turkey, Proc.13-18, September 1993.
  6. M. Hızal, "The Electro- Erosion Technique", Otomotiv Endüstrisi, V.37, pp. 41-42, September 1990.
  7. Damar S., Bozoğlu F., Hızal M., Bayındırlı A. "Inactivation and injury of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and

Staphylococcus aureus by pulsed electric fields". World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology , 2001

  1. Alev Bayındırlı ,Hami Alpas , Faruk Bozoğlu , Mirzahan Hızal " Efficiecy of High pressure treatment on inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms and enzimes in apple , orange , apricot and sour cherry juices " , Food Control 17 ( 2006) 52 – 58 , Elsevier .


  1. Certificate of Appreciation for Contribution to the Turkish Industry by "The Turkish Industry and EEC Symposium Organisation," İMBAT, 1989.

  2. Certificate of Appreciation given by The Middle East technical University for the 20 years of service in the

University. 1993.

  1. Certificate of Appreciation given by The Middle East technical University for the 40 years of service in the

University. 2013.

  1. RailGun Project , Tübitak , 2016

  2. Electromagnetic High Power system Project , Tübitak , 2016


  1. Design and development of a High Voltage Pulse food Sterilization System for the Dept.of Food Eng. METU.
  2. Design and development of a Very High Pressure Food Sterilization System for the Dept. Of Food Eng . METU.
  3. Design and Development of a new High Voltage Partial Discharge detection and measuring system for HV lab. METU.
  4. Design and development of a 25 kA, 20 kV complete lightning arrester test system for HV Lab. METU.
  5. Design and Development of a new CNC Machining System and Software.
  6. Design and development of a new CNC 3D surface scanning probe and software.
  7. Design and construction of a new 2.4 MV Lightning Impulse Generator and Test System.
  8. Design and Contruction of a 800 kV Cascade HVAC test transformer and measuring system.
  9. Design and realization of ns HPEM Marx generator systems up to 1,2 MV.
  10. Design and realization of Electromagnetic Rail Accelerator systems up to 10 MJ.
  11. Design and development of uS , 350 kA high voltage high current impulse test systems .
Balıkhisar Mahallesi, Köyiçi Kümeevleri No: 574, Akyurt, 06750 Ankara - Türkiye
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Emek is a labor-independent, internationally operating manufacturer of instrument transformers.

Its reliable and high quality products have been repeatedly tested in local and international laboratories. Its experience has been strengthened with transformers working in the system for half a century, it has improved and renewed itself every day.

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