Quality and Occupational Health and Safety

In accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard, ensuring the continuous satisfaction of its customers and employees is the Company's most important value, not only to secure its present but also its future.

At Emek, we evaluate all our activities considering health, safety, environmental, and social impacts, and manage risks accordingly. Our goal is to ensure a healthier, safer, and higher-performing workforce and manage change with an open mind to innovations.

By placing occupational health and safety at the core of our work, we aim to continuously improve the conditions for all our employees and move forward with proactive steps. In this context, strong leadership, openness to innovation, and continuous learning and improvement form the foundation of our policy.

Within the scope of our ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, our goal is to go beyond legal requirements and create a cultural shift where all our employees and collaborators adopt a "safety first" approach both at work and in their personal lives.

A risk-based approach to prevent injuries, occupational diseases, fatalities, and material losses.

Building a sustainable health and safety culture.

Adopting responsible and ethical working principles by following international standards.

Setting an example in OHS practices within our sector.

Our Core Principles:

Complying with legal obligations and raising employee awareness about OHS.

Conducting regular inspections of all work equipment and ensuring a safe workplace environment.

Enhancing OHS awareness among our employees and stakeholders.

Implementing environmentally friendly and sustainable production and services.

Emek adopts the principle of "human health and safety first," aiming to identify potential risks that employees may face and eliminate these risks through continuous training. Our goal is to lead the way in occupational health and safety practices in our sector.

To achieve these goals, we continue to allocate all necessary resources and work towards continuous improvement and development.