We hereby aim to protect the environment and to make the sustainability as an easy option for our customers.
There are various procedure and documents which have been prepared for ISO14001 environmental management policy since 2006 for our environmental sustainability approach. For this reason, besides assessing our environmental effects regularly, we also determine objectives and targets and we commit to provide a sustainable development.
We hereby commit to prevent contamination and to abide by all legal obligations in relevant issues.
Including United of Nations' Sustainable Development Objectives, we hereby undertake to support international initiatives which are displayed for sustainability.
Within this framework, basic environmental impacts are handled as defined below:
For assisting resource saving and financial saving, to encourage the customers toward sustainable products and to direct them to use their solutions,
To decrease the carbon emission in conformance with science of climate
To supply important raw materials from sustainable resources and to use the resources
efficiently (besides see. Wood and Paper Policy)
To encourage re-use and recycling and to direct our studies towards the purpose of sending
zero waste to the dump sites,
To discuss the scarcity of resources which is increasing gradually, to support innovation and
cyclical economy solutions,
Our environmental objectives are prepared annually for short term and are shared accordingly. Our studies for the determination of long term objectives are continuing.
Our environmental applications are carried out by our Quality Unit. A person in charge of environment has been appointed and authorized.
There are various explanations being made for the cases which have been opened against us / or concluded in environmental, social and institution matters.
To achieve our sustainability objectives and targets, our customers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders are being included in our studies.
Our sustainability performance is being followed up continuously and annual sustainability data are being tried to be assured out of the company as well.
We are discussing the issue of minimization of potential environmental effects caused by our products with our customers at offer stage and we provide them necessary information in this respect. The Material Safety Data Documents relevant with the chemicals used in our products are submitted to our customers. Again, at the offer stage, we explain what is going to happen about our waste code when the product's economic life expires and how it shall be disposed of. All materials being used in our materials are suppled are used in accordance with REACH Regulation. REACH declaration is received in every 6 months.
As the Company is not included within the scope of the REGULATION ON THE FOLLOW UP OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMMISSIONS, no monitoring on greenhouse gas is being made. Due to the use of SF6 gas, REGULATION ON FLUOR GREENHOUSE GAS is being followed up. However, it is hereby understood that our company is not subject to this Regulation in accordance with the sub-clause ( c ) of the article 2 of this Regulation, with the headline;" Fixed devices, or their applications, which include 3(three) kilogram flour greenhouse gas and over or which are working by (three) kilogram flour greenhouse gas and over"
Within the scope of environmental permissions, in all units, necessary assessments were made in accordance with the Industrial Sourced Air Pollution Control Regulation in 2010 and emission measuring was made in ASO Laboratories. This will be repeated in case of a regional risk.
According to the Regulation for Increasing the Energy Sources and Efficiency of Energy Sources, at our factory, since 2010, we have bene making total TEP (Ton Equivalent Petroleum) calculations due to the use of LPG, Fuel Oil and Electricity. This calculation is being made and is being traced to determine whether our company should be subject to the requirement of the appointment Energy Manager for the corporations with 1000 TEP and over or not. Our monthly electricity use is hereby targeted in connection with our turnover.
Emek Elektrik Endüstri A.Ş. prepares a Waste Management Plan in every three years and receives AYP approval after the inspection made by the Ministry. Wastes produced in Emek are sent to licensed corporations under registration for disposal and recycling purposes. Every year, until April, the previous years' wastes are declared by the person in charge of Environment in the Ministry's online system. There are various waste containers located in specific areas in Emek for the collection of wastes. Waste Management is subject to the Waste Management Regulation dated 2 April 2015 and no. 29314.
We are using water as water transportation and water consumption is being followed up annually. We hereby aim to decrease our annual water consumption.
We, as Emek Elektrik Endüstri A.Ş., has no industrial waste water. We are producing domestic waste water. We hereby abide by the basic principles for the discharge of waste water into sewerage systems -- Article 25 of the FIFTH SECTION OF THE WATER POLLUTION REGULATION which regulates the provisions on Waste Water Discharge Principles/ Discharge to Sewerage Systems.
As a natural requirement of protection of forests, we hereby commit to abstain from the supply of materials which are obtained from deforestation areas and to sustain the legal status of wood and paper products.
To discuss the increasing scarcity of source, we are supporting the improvement of forests and we aim to assist for increasing forest areas more than we are using.
To do;
To supply all wood and paper products in accordance with " conscious purchase" principle
By doing the below given actions, to try to abstain from supply of material which are obtained
from deforestation areas
To encourage the supply of products( for instance pallet) from legal sources and to improve the
supply chain controls for these products
To support the activities made for the improvement of forests and to have an impact over forests
which a have a healing effect
Wood and Paper Principle Principle Vision
To supply all wood and paper products through" sustainable source procurement" as defined below and we hereby support a sustainable forest management.
To do:
To claim wood and/or paper products which comply with our criteria through sustainable source procurement and only to accept them.
We hereby aim to reduce the packaging quantity which we use as far as possible and to maximize the use of reusable and recyclable material, in cases where packaging inevitable, in coherence with cyclical economy principles.
To do:
To maximize the use of packaging of which the re-use and/ or recycling is verifiable as far as possible
To maximize the use of packaging of which the re-use and/ or recycling is verifiable as far as possible, and to provide the easy segregation and proper packaging of packaging materials, thus to enable the customers to re-use and recycle them.\
To create the lowest risk for human health and environment
Through using the chemicals in our products and supply chain sustainably, we aim to protect our employees, customers and suppliers' factory workers.
By inspecting the chemicals which are being used in our own products and in private trademark products and in the supply chain, we shall get focused on three main areas and we shall go beyond the legislation requirements.
Transparency We shall carry out works for increasing the transparency in the chemicals which are used in our products and in our supply chain:
- We shall determine the products having higher risk potentially and the production processes and we shall adopt a risk- based approach.
- For the products having higher risks, we shall stipulate our suppliers to submit Material List.
- For production processes having higher risks, we shall make contracts and discussions with out suppliers to encourage them to provide transparency for the chemicals which they are using in their products
Chemical Management We shall display a proactive approach for auditing the chemicals which are used in our products and our supply chain.
- We shall remove the chemicals from the products and production processes gradually or shall substitute them, we shall take necessary measures thereof and we shall develop approaches and opinions for the uncontrolled materials.
- We shall support the factories which we are working with to develop their chemical management applications.
- Innovation
- We shall encourage innovation in the field of chemistry.
Including our workers, employees and customers in our public and supply chain, we commit we shall respect the human rights of any individual who is affected from our commercial activities and to defend them.
We aim out human rights approach to be developed in line with international agreement and principles including United Nations Business Life and Human Rights Guidance Principles, International Human Rights Law(Universal Declaration of Human Rights) UN Global Principles Convention, ILO Declaration of Basic Rights and Principles for Employment, UN Conventions on Child Rights and Avoidance of Discrimination through Business Principles.
Respecting human rights, including those indicated below, we shall make an assessment for avoiding the violation of human rights:
Including new recruitments and current activities, to revise modern slavery and human rights risks which are related with our work regularly,
Including supply chain risks, to apply risks alleviating controls ( please see Ethic Purchase Policy regarding our ethic purchase approach)
To encourage the respect of human rights in our other company policies, considering our behavior rules, supply chain work place standards
To establish a confidential notice service which would enable people to inform their concerns on human rights violations
To investigate the violations which are asserted to have been made on human rights comprehensively,
To encourage the access of persons who suffered from human rights violations towards the recovery of their victimization in this respect.
To do
- To supply the product and sources from the suppliers who share our commitment for respecting human rights and environment and those who are obliged to abide by the Supply Chain Work Place New Standards accordingly.
- Including ethic risks and audits, to encourage the information relevant with the supply chain to be shared,
- To determine risky suppliers/ plants which are required to be audited ethically,
- In case of determination of business- related critical errors, to act rapidly and decisively,
- To cooperate with the suppliers in order to develop the standards in due course,
- To expand our risk assessment and inspection program to include a wider supply chain into the
- To develop strategic group programs in our important purchase regions
To be a part of group which assists for the establishment of a good educational environment
For Emek Elektrik Endüstrüsü A.Ş, education has been always supported by our company. Both the company personnel and their children are supported in the company.
Besides, our company plays an active role at the schools in our neighborhood for providing tools and instruments which are required for education.
In 2021 Emek Academy was established, thus we hereby aim that our employees' technical, professional and personal developments should be maximized.
Activities in the field of sustainability are being carried out under the consideration of all stakeholders'( employees, customers, suppliers and service providers, public agencies, social and non-governmental organizations, etc.) needs and priorities.
There exists a customer satisfaction policy for the solution of customer complaints. This has not been made public. Various works are being executed in this respect.
Stakeholder communication is carried out and followed up continuously and transparently and is shared with the public.
International reporting standards which are adopted by the company and international organization and principles which the company is a member of are traced, however they have not been integrated with the objectives yet and no public announcement has been made so far.
We are attempting hard to follow Corporate Management Principles which are required to be obeyed obligatorily within the scope of the Capital Market Board Management Principles Communique No. II- 17.1, furthermore compliance with all corporate management principles is aimed as well.
The issue of sustainability should be taken into consideration while determining the action's environmental impacts and the principles and corporate management strategy thereof.
As specified in Corporate Management Principles, serious effort is made for providing the coherence with the principles regarding the beneficiaries.
Necessary works are being made on social responsibility projects, awareness trainings and events and the issue of sustainability and increase of awareness.
Relevant policy and programs are being prepared on fight against bribery and corruption and on the principle of honesty in taxation.
Emek is a labor-independent, internationally operating manufacturer of instrument transformers.
Its reliable and high quality products have been repeatedly tested in local and international laboratories. Its experience has been strengthened with transformers working in the system for half a century, it has improved and renewed itself every day.